We should have named her Miss Chievous instead of Chrissy. She loves to cause mischief. Her favorite thing to do is empty the water bowl. The other night we were going to a baseball game and knew we'd be later than usual and so I decided I needed to add a 2nd water dish. This is why:
Chrissy has a "thing" for the water and will go to the bowl, put her paw in and splash the water around until every last drop is out of it. Don't have any idea why she does this. Poor Eeyore will walk into the room, his two front paws grasping his throat, and hoarsley whisper, "Water, I need water." Of course I'm only kidding--but it does drive us crazy. I did, however, get smart and I put the water dish inside a small plastic container. Now when she splashes all the water out of the dish--at least it's in the other container.
November, 2008.
An update to this story. Back in June, after Bob and I got home from our Florida trip, we found a surprise in the "cat room." Sarah and Keith had been house/cat sitting while we were away. And they were stressed because Chrissy would splash every last drop of water out of EVERY dish. (I had left several dishes of water out)
Frustrated, Sarah talked to Jen, her friend and cat lover. She explained the problem to Jen. Jen knew exactly what to do--she and Sarah searched the Petco website and found a brand called CatIt. CatIt carries several wonderful products for cats. They found what Jen was looking for--a water dome for cats. You fill up the dome with water. Place it over the base, which has a filter you change once a month. Then, you plug it in. Cats can lick water from the dome--but there is no place to put those little paws and splash water all over. Chrissy can still put her paw on it--but she doesn't have enough water to splash around. Problem solved! It works perfectly. Now, Eeyore and Charly don't have to do their desert scene and crawl around, grasping their throats, desperate for water.
Chrissy has a "thing" for the water and will go to the bowl, put her paw in and splash the water around until every last drop is out of it. Don't have any idea why she does this. Poor Eeyore will walk into the room, his two front paws grasping his throat, and hoarsley whisper, "Water, I need water." Of course I'm only kidding--but it does drive us crazy. I did, however, get smart and I put the water dish inside a small plastic container. Now when she splashes all the water out of the dish--at least it's in the other container.
November, 2008.
An update to this story. Back in June, after Bob and I got home from our Florida trip, we found a surprise in the "cat room." Sarah and Keith had been house/cat sitting while we were away. And they were stressed because Chrissy would splash every last drop of water out of EVERY dish. (I had left several dishes of water out)
Frustrated, Sarah talked to Jen, her friend and cat lover. She explained the problem to Jen. Jen knew exactly what to do--she and Sarah searched the Petco website and found a brand called CatIt. CatIt carries several wonderful products for cats. They found what Jen was looking for--a water dome for cats. You fill up the dome with water. Place it over the base, which has a filter you change once a month. Then, you plug it in. Cats can lick water from the dome--but there is no place to put those little paws and splash water all over. Chrissy can still put her paw on it--but she doesn't have enough water to splash around. Problem solved! It works perfectly. Now, Eeyore and Charly don't have to do their desert scene and crawl around, grasping their throats, desperate for water.
The picture is of Chrissy with her water dome.